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As we kick off another month of summer, it may be harder than you expected to focus on being productive. Between the nice weather (when there isn’t a random thunderstorm looming over Raleigh), vacation time with your family and/or summer hours at work, you may find yourself dreading checking items off of your to-do list. With less than seven weeks left before we welcome in fall, consider the following concepts to ensure you are your most productive self every day.

1/Be Strategic

We all have the same 24 hours each day to do all the things we need and want to do; therefore, you need to be strategic about how you use your time. Blaming others, making excuses, and wishing for more time will not change the outcome at the end of the day, so manage your time wisely, prioritize your to do list, and stay focused on your tasks.

2/Do Your Most Important Tasks Before Lunch

Tap into your maximum productivity zone, which is as unique to you as your fingerprint. Whether you are an early riser or a night owl, schedule tasks that require 110% of your energy/creativity during those hours. Some people make it a habit to work on the most time-consuming tasks before lunch, then that break feels like a well-deserved reward.

3/Don’t Multitask

Trying to complete several tasks at once only makes you complete each task more inefficiently and usually costs you more time than if you focus on each task individually. Devote the necessary attention to the task that is top priority and once that task is finished, move on to the next one on your list. Repeat this cycle until your list is done.

4/Don’t Overwhelm Yourself

Being ambitious is good until it is overwhelming, then it is counterproductive. Use the 4Ds of Time Management to ensure you are not using your time unwisely. List all your tasks, then decide for each task: DO it now (if it takes less than two minutes), DELEGATE it (if someone else can do it), DEFER it (if it can be done later), or DELETE it (if it is not important).

5/Form New Habits to Improve Efficiency and Focus

Implement a weekly/monthly cleaning routine for your habits, contacts, relationships, etc. This routine will assist you with creating new habits that will help you stay organized. Also, forming habits around what you eat, how much you sleep, and how you manage distractions all contribute to your productivity, so constantly examine your habits and improve them.

6/Manage Your Time with Email

Establish a specific cadence to devote to checking email and/or text messages. Based on your work activities, reviewing messages may not be possible for the majority of your day.  In order to maintain your sanity and be good at your job, schedule time when you can fully focus on emails and any other type of message, then you can actually provide a good answer.

7/Have Someone Hold You Accountable

If you are someone who needs an extra push to stay on track, reach out to someone you trust and ask them if they can hold you accountable. They can send you a text message once a week, call you on Monday mornings, etc. to ensure you are doing what you need to do. If you cannot be your own motivator, delegate that work to someone else (revisit #4).