In 1918, Charles M. Shwab was looking to improve productivity in his steel company, one of the largest in the US. He called in Ivy Lee, who was a renowned productivity consultant. Shwab instructed Lee to help his company ‘get more things done,’ and Lee explained to the executives how he approached each day, which is what became the Ivy Lee Method.
1) Define Goals: Define vision, goals, and objectives.
2) 6 Most Important Tasks: At the end of each day write down the 6 most important tasks to achieve the next day. These 6 tasks should help towards achieving your goals and objectives. Do not write down more than six tasks.
3) Prioritize Tasks: Prioritize the six items in order of their true importance.
4) Focus on First Task: The next day, you concentrate on the most important task and begin working on the tasks one at a time. The complete first task before moving on to the second task.
5) Work in To-Do List Order: Work step by step order. At the end of the day, if tasks are unfinished move to the new list of six tasks for the following day.
6) Repeat Every Evening: Repeat this process every day.
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