Empowerment #1
According to Apollo Technical, the average break time for a remote worker is 22 minutes spread out across the day. Many of us spend each day sitting in front of our computers, taking Zoom calls, and/or creating deliverables for 8-9 hours, non-stop, with maybe a few quick restroom breaks. Newsflash, taking regular breaks allows your brain to refocus and relax. A recent survey revealed that 37% of the remote workers say taking regular breaks is the best way to stay productive. Start prioritizing breaks and use the time to get a snack, drink water, get fresh air, or check on your family and pets. Another way to give your brain a break is to let your devices do some of your work for you; there are countless applications that can be utilized to make your days more productive without extending yourself even further. Here are 22 Android apps and 22 Apple apps that can help you check more items off your to do list each day!
Empowerment #2
Time management is extremely important to productivity because time manipulation is impossible. We all have the same 24 hours each day to do all the things we need and want to do. Whether you accomplish a lot or a little in that timeframe, you must own the results because you own your 24 hours. Blaming others, making excuses, and wishing for more time will not change the outcome at the end of the day, so manage your time wisely, prioritize your to do list, and stay focused on your tasks.
Empowerment #3
Who knew that attempts to turn back the clock to pre-pandemic norms in the workplace would ultimately be a step in the wrong direction? I did! When COVID first hit the USA hard, I had already figured out that unless you were literally performing brain or open-heart surgery, there was no need for you to drive to your office building every day to get your work done. Now, fast forward to the results of the quarterly Pulse survey from Slack’s think tank, Future Forum, which surveyed 10,000 global white-collar workers. They have confirmed that workers with full schedule flexibility showed 29% higher productivity scores than employees with no flexibility at all. So take a step back and ask yourself if you are really as productive as you think you are just because you are driving to your office every day. If you are not, then make the necessary changes to your work schedule so you can be 29% more productive than you currently are!
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